Barclays Public Adjusters

The Mistake of Not Contacting a Public Adjuster Right Away

contact Barclays public adjusters

The first thing to understand about the insurance adjuster your insurer will send to survey damage is that he or she works on behalf of the insurance company – not you. Their job is to assign a dollar amount to damages, settle claims as quickly, and pay out as little as possible.

Your Personal Advocate

A public adjuster is a licensed professional that works entirely for you. Involving your own expert in an insurance claim as soon as possible is critical if policy holders are to obtain as much compensation for their losses as possible. Failure to engage the services of a public adjuster can bring repair, restoration and rebuilding to a screeching halt if the settlement is insufficient to cover costs. Individuals often find themselves paying out-of-pocket for additional living expenses if their home is unlivable.

People that hire a public adjuster receive 574 percent more money on their claims than those who don’t, according to the Office on Program Policy Analysis. That number is even higher for catastrophic losses, coming in at 747 percent.

Why Hire a Public Adjuster

A public adjuster is your personal advocate and should be hired when you’ve suffered significant damage or loss to your home or business. He or she has the authority to reopen a closed claim and negotiate on your behalf for a larger reimbursement. The professionals typically work on high-value cases. However, not every claim requires a public adjuster. Individuals that have suffered a loss not too far above their deductible usually don’t require a public adjuster.

The job of insurance companies is to protect their profitability. They will adhere to the letter of the policy, but will use a variety of tactics to delay, underpay or deny claims. Public adjusters are knowledgeable and experienced in the strategies that insurance companies utilize. The professionals are able to fight for their clients in terms that the insurance company understands for claims that net better outcomes for policy holders.

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