Barclays Public Adjusters

5 Things to Know About Florida Public Adjusters

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A public adjuster is your best friend if you discover that your insurance company
underestimated your homeowner’s claim or even denied it. They can also help if the
insurance company has closed the claim. For those unfamiliar with public claim adjusters,
here are 5 things to know.

Who They Are

Public adjusters are highly educated, licensed and bonded insurance professionals. They
have a code of conduct and ethics to which they adhere. All information is maintained in
confidence. They have extensive knowledge and experience in evaluating home damage
and the costs to repair or replace the damage. Public adjusters are the only adjusters
specifically licensed by the State of Florida to represent insured individuals.

Who They Work For

Public adjusters work for you, the homeowner, not the insurance company. When a claim is
made, the insurance company sends one of its own adjusters to assign a financial amount to
the damage. Their job is to save the insurer as much money as possible, while adhering to
the terms of the policy. Public adjusters are advocates for you. They protect your interests.

What They Do

A public adjuster will your insurance policy to determine coverage and any exclusions.
They’ll also make an on-site visit to assess the damage. They have the authority to reopen a
closed insurance claim and negotiate with the insurer on your behalf for additional money.

How They’re Paid

The State of Florida limits the amount that public adjusters can charge. They receive 20
percent of any additional insurance money that’s recovered. However, in the event of a
natural disaster, they’re restricted to 10 percent of recovered amounts up to 1 year after
the disaster was declared. Fees are negotiable and the public adjuster can’t charge for
anything prior to when you enter into a contract with them.

Why Hire a Public Adjuster

Homeowners that hire a public adjuster receive larger settlements than those who don’t.
They handle all details associated with the claim and relieving you of significant stress.
Depending on the individual claim, public adjusters can often successfully negotiate a higher
dollar amount for you in 90 days.

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