Barclays Public Adjusters

Hurricane Season and Property Insurance Claims

South Florida Public Adjusters

Hurricane season officially runs from June 1 – Nov. 30 of each year. However, analysts have
determined that the earliest hurricane on record occurred on May 28, 1863.
Hurricanes come with torrential rain, flooding, high winds and insurance claims. There are
some important details that residents of the Sunshine State need to know about hurricane-
related claims. It’s imperative that policy holders understand their coverage, along with
exclusions, or they could be stuck with the bill for repairs and restorations.

Insurers Bug Out

Many companies that provided coverage for hurricane- related damage no longer offer the
policies. The severity of hurricanes in recent years prompted many to claim insolvency,
while others have left the state entirely.

Flood-Related Damage

Flooding with recent hurricanes traveled further inland than ever before. Home and
business owners, along with renters, will find themselves without coverage for flood-related
damage unless they have a separate policy through the National Flood Insurance Program
(NFIP) that’s administered through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
Individuals may have to file a claim with their regular insurer and a second with FEMA.

Wind Damage

The intense winds associated with hurricanes can result in significant damage. A
homeowner’s policy will typically cover damage due to wind, hail or a tree that falls on the
house, but may exclude damages if they’re related to a hurricane. Individuals may need to
prove that interior damage occurred as a result of a wind-damaged roof that allowed in
rainwater rather than a flooding event. There may be other exclusions that apply.

You May Need a Public Adjuster

Every insurer tries to minimize the amount of money paid to policyholders. It’s the nature of
the insurance industry. When a hurricane is involved, insurers will try to use every available
avenue to underpay a claim or outright deny it. That’s when you need the services of a
professional public adjuster. They work entirely for the homeowner, not the insurer, and
are authorized to reopen claims and negotiate for additional monetary compensation.

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