Barclays Public Adjusters

Public Adjusters, Advocates for the Insured

home insurance policy

Dozens of disasters can befall homeowners and renters in South Florida. The Sunshine State is subject to torrential rain, hail, tornadoes, wildfires, and hurricanes. There are home fires, burst pipes, theft, and falling trees that can inflict significant damage to property.

Policies for renters and homeowners are purchased to protect property, but there are also exclusions. Many individuals suffer a loss, only to have the insurer underpay the claim or deny it for a variety of reasons. A public adjuster is your personal support system in those situations.

An Advocate for Your Rights

Public adjusters are bonded and required to be licensed through the State of Florida. They have the same credentials as insurance company adjusters, but with a critical difference. Insurance adjusters work for the insurer. A public adjuster works for you to protect your interests. The professional is authorized to negotiate on your behalf with the insurance company for a larger insurance settlement. They can also reopen a claim that’s been closed or denied by the insurer.
It’s important to note that people who hire a public adjuster typically receive a larger monetary settlement. However, they can’t get you more compensation than what you’re entitled to under the terms of your policy.

Understanding Insurance Companies

Insurance companies are in the business to make money. They include exclusions in policies and regularly underpay or deny claims. They retain and pay a cadre of adjusters to make an on-site inspection and assign a dollar amount to the damage that the insurer will pay. The job of an insurance company adjuster is to save the insurance company money in any way possible.

Policies are written by lawyers to the specifications of the insurance company. They use insurance industry jargon and legal terms with which the average individual isn’t familiar. A public adjuster is knowledgeable with all the terms used in policies and can fight for your right to additional compensation if your claim has been underpaid or denied.

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