Barclays Public Adjusters

8 Qualities of a Public Adjuster

testimonials Barclays public adjusters

A public adjuster has a wide variety of qualities and characteristics that he or she utilizes every day. They have a code of conduct to which they adhere and all interactions with clients are maintained in strict confidence.

Professional Qualities

The public adjuster you hire will use their professional skills to your benefit, not your insurance company. A public adjuster has:

  • Analytical skills enabling them to assess damage equitably, based on costs to repair or replace
  • Technical knowledge of structures and construction costs
  • Objectivity, allowing them to make decisions and assessments based on facts and evidence
  • Attention to detail
  • Communication and interpersonal skills
  • Understanding of insurance company process and policies
  • Negotiation skills
  • Adaptability, as the insurance industry and laws are constantly changing

Public adjusters also have empathy for customers and the loss they’ve experienced.

The Job Can be Stressful

A public claims adjuster is often working against tight deadlines. Many people only hire a public adjuster as a last resort. By that time, they may have spent months communicating with their insurance company without getting satisfaction. That can shorten the timeframe within which the public adjuster has to work. There are limits on claims.

A Rewarding Profession

The job of a public adjuster can also be very rewarding. Public adjusters have the satisfaction of knowing they’re helping people every day. The profession also provides the opportunity to learn new skills, grow and advance.

Most Important Thing to Know

A public adjuster works exclusively for you, not your insurance company. They can reopen a closed claim and negotiate on your behalf. Payment is typically 10 percent of any additional funds they collect on your behalf from your insurance company.

It’s the job of the insurance company’s adjuster to save the company as much money as possible. That often means underpaying or denying a claim.

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