Barclays Public Adjusters

Accidental vs Deliberate Fire

home inspection

The term accidental fire may seem like an obvious term, but your insurance company may not view your home or business fire as accidental. Don’t be dismayed. Insurers routinely try to avoid paying for damages in a variety of ways. If your claim for fire damage is denied or underpaid, a public adjuster can assist […]

Minimize Christmas Claims for Fire, Burglary and Vandalism

It’s never too early to begin thinking about holiday safety. Fires, burglaries and vandalism are the 3 most prevalent types of claims by homeowners during the season of Brotherly Love. Christmas trees, home decorations, shopping for gifts, and family gatherings all contribute to a lack of safety for your home and vehicle during the Christmas […]

Who is Liable for Damages in a Fire?

public adjuster faqs | stained ceiling water damage

While a home fire may seem like a straightforward situation for the insurance company to handle, insurers don’t view them in the same way. Fire claims can take unexpected twists and turns that homeowners don’t expect or anticipate. The Search for Responsibility A fire is a highly complex matter for insurers. It’s the most common […]

Do Public Adjusters Really Work for Me and Not the Insurance Compa

Public adjuster South Florida

The answer is yes and they do so in a variety of ways. If you have a large or complex claim, it’s a good idea to hire a licensed public adjuster when you file a claim. A public adjuster is the home or business owner’s advocate. That’s in stark contrast to an insurance company adjuster, […]

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