Barclays Public Adjusters

What is the Advantage of a Public Adjuster?

South Florida Public Adjusters

Insurance companies provide coverage for damage to homes and businesses when a disaster occurs. However, the bottom line is that insurance companies are in the business of making money. What policyholders need to understand is that any claim they make can be underpaid or denied for any number of reasons. That’s when the advantages of […]

Do Adjusters Charge Upfront or Only After Your Insurance Company Pays You a Claim?

Public Adjusters In Fort Lauderdale

The good news for home and business owners is that they don’t have to pay any money upfront when hiring a public adjuster. The professionals only get paid after they’ve successfully recovered funds from the insurance company. Public adjusters are limited in what they can charge. They can collect up to 20 percent of funds […]

Can a Public Adjuster Reopen an Insurance Claim?

home inspection

Reopening a claim the insurance company considers to be closed is just one of the tasks that a public adjuster can perform. The professionals can reopen a claim and file a supplemental claim for additional reimbursement, along with claims that have been denied. Don’t confuse a public adjuster with the adjuster the insurance company sends […]

Should You Accept the Insurance Company’s First Offer?

Public Adjuster South Florida

When a disaster befalls your home, all you want is for the insurance company to give you the money to repair the damage and replace your possessions. However, an insurance claim isn’t that simple. The insurer will send an adjuster to inspect the damage and determine a dollar amount for reimbursement. Experts recommend you don’t […]

Do Public Adjusters Help to Resolve Claims Faster?

Public Adjuster South Florida

The claims process for home damages can be a lengthy and frustrating endeavor, depending on the insurer. A public adjuster can help facilitate the process and, in many instances, even obtain a larger reimbursement for damages. Public adjusters are often successful in closing claims to the homeowner’s satisfaction in as little as 30 to 90 […]

Why Flood Damage Can Often be Denied by Insurers

Public Adjuster In South Florida

Florida homeowners are in an untenable position. Many insurers don’t offer flood insurance at all, while other insurers have dropped clients and some insurance companies no longer operate in the state. The reason flood damage claims are often denied is to preserve profitability. Insurers would have to pay out more in damages than the premiums […]

Do Public Adjusters Use Their Own Contractors

home inspection

A public adjuster is hired by a homeowner, not the insurance company, and they work entirely for the homeowner. Their mission is to obtain additional funds from the client’s homeowner’s insurance when the repair costs exceed the amount paid by the insurer. A public adjuster may hold a contractor’s license, but they do not perform […]

Top Tips for Making the Claims Process Easier

home insurance policy

No one wants to make an insurance claim, but when disaster strikes it’s a necessity. It’s important for homeowners to know that there are things they can do to facilitate the claims process and get reimbursed quicker. Understand the Policy Insurance policies aren’t as straightforward as people may think. There are covered risks and a […]

How to Interpret Insurance Policies

home insurance policy

Understanding insurance policies is difficult. The legal terms are rarely explained and policy owners don’t want to appear uninformed so they don’t ask for clarification or explanations. Insurance policies are legally binding contracts and written in ways that are designed to protect insurance companies from loss. The language is a mish-mash of terms and language […]

Negotiating with an Insurance Company can be a Full-time Job

Roof Leaks

Any homeowner that has filed a claim for minor damage to their home can understand how time-consuming it is. There are forms to fill out, questions to answer and depending on the insurance company, photographs to take. Then there’s the wait for an insurance adjuster to come and assess the damage. For more extensive and […]

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